Game是游戏体育游戏app平台, 这个小学生齐知说念。 然而你知说念 I am game 是什么意象吗? 虽然不是“我是游戏” 底下一齐来学习一下吧。 I am game畸形于“I'd like to.”(我乐意;我也想) 例句: I want to go shopping tonight. Would you like to go with me? 张开剩余75%今晚我想去逛街,要一齐去吗? Yes, I am game. 好啊,我也想去。 Play the game按照国法事业,扩充为事业刚正 例句: He is an honest man and he has always played the game. 他为东说念主真挚,从来齐是规规章矩事业。 The game is up一切被披露,一切齐结束 例句: The game is up. The plan is forced to abort. 被披露了,遐想不得不中止。 what's your game?常用于白话中,畸形于“What are you doing?”(你在干什么?) 例句: What's your game? What are you doing in my office? 你在干什么?你在我办公室干什么? Give the game away“Give away”自己有“知道”的意象;Game 有“花招”的意象,伙同起来即“出过错”、“知道神秘” 例句: She gave the game away by laughing. 她一笑就表现。 What's the game?常用于白话中,畸形于“What's going on?”(发生什么事了?) 例句: What's the game?Why is everybody looking at me like that? 何如了?为什么系数东说念主那样看着我? So that's your game原本那即是你的鬼把戏 例句: I see, so that's your game: you irritated your mother deliberately. 昭着了,这即是你的鬼把戏:你挑升气你母亲。 Fly at a higher game飞向更高的指标 例句: If we want to go further, we need to fly at a higher game. 要是咱们想走得更远体育游戏app平台,咱们需要向更高的指标辛苦前进。 发布于:河北省